Friday, May 23, 2008

Signal Processors and Devices

There are some electronic devices collectively known as signal processors were initially added to the recording studio to permit return for frequency response or vibrant range problems in the equipment. When signal processors are carefully used, they can add to the conformity of the sound, and irregularly develop on reality. If improperly used, they can seriously degrade the sound or even produce laughable results. It is possible to use audio processors to manipulate sounds into unrecognizablilty, so naturally they are popular with composers of electronic music. Signal Processors devices are: Equalizer, Filter and Limiter.

An equalizer is a device that can adjust the spectral content of a signal from the audio system. This alteration or adjusting process can be done with any circuit that has an adjustable frequency response, the most recognizable being the tone controls on a home stereo set. These tone controls usually distress the amplitude in two frequency areas, like treble and bass. This is adequate for the slight changes the end user may desire to make changes in the program, but the recording engineer requires more suppleness and reporting of the whole audio spectrum. The whole studio will have complex e.q. systems that might incorporate 30 or more regions to control the audio spectrum. Many of these equipments have sliders to change the amplitude of each band, and those adjusting sliders are laid out in such a way that their positions graphically show the frequency response. This characteristic gives rise to the name GRAPHIC EQUALIZER. Equalizers are intentionally designed to make quite small changes in the signal. A FILTER is used for more radical effects and changes, such as confiscating some area of the signal completely. A filter is a circuit that sharply decreases the amplitude of audio signals of frequency outside of particular limits. The unchanged region is called the PASSBAND, and the filter type is named after the passband as low-pass, high-pass, or band-pass. The position where the signal reduction just becomes manifest (a reduction of 3 dB) is known as the CUTOFF FREQUENCY. A low-pass filter with a cutoff of 500 Hz will attenuate any signal of frequency above 500 Hz. Limiter is a very general requirement of electronic devices that the amplitude of the input signal must not go over some value. The usual result of breakdown to abide by that rule is excessive distortion and probably scratched speakers. If an audio system operator cannot be trusted to maintain the signals within limits, it is essential to include a LIMITER, a device which turns the gain down whenever the signal surpasses the limit. Signal processors are manufactured by many car stereo system manufacturing companies across the world. Signal processors are very high-tech and functional devices that help you out to improve the sound quality of your home or car audio system. Signal processors are not much expensive and priced excellently. You can buy signal processors of different companies from local car stereo stores or online stores as well.

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